Prof. Dr. George Yesu Vedha

MD & CEO, Dredging Corporation of India Ltd.

Prof. Dr. George Yesu Vedha Victor is the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Dredging Corporation of India Limited and is the Secretary General of Eastern Dredging Association (India). He holds Doctorate Degree, is a Chartered Engineer [UK], Chartered Physicist [UK], Certified Dredge Master and Mariner, Qualified in Finance Management, Port Development and Management, Containerization and Logistics Management, Fellow in Arbitration, Licensed International Arbitrator, Mediator, Emergency Arbitrator and a qualified Admiralty and Contracts Lawyer. He is the commissioned officer, C-Suite Executive is a charismatic leader in marine, ports and dredging sector with unwavering commitment to success and focus on development preserving environment.

GYV Victor is recipient of awards amongst others, “Exemplary Achievement Award”, “Maritime Award” and “Contribution to Indian Industry”. He was awarded “Young Scientist Award” for his contribute to research in marine engineering and environment. He serves as Chairman and member of technical committees constituted - national and international. Empaneled with WB, ADB, ICA, FICCI, EMAC, IDRC, PDRC, IPA, IoP and SIA. He has been appointed by the Government of India as a member of 5 member Expert Committee on Skill Development Program of Sagarmala, Government of India. Accomplished professional with blend of industrial and legal experience and is an International Arbitrator and Mediator for commercial contracts. He serves as Chairman and Board Members of Bangladesh India Mediators Forum. He serves as member Scientific Group in World Dredging Association and member of the scientific committee of IoP, UK on Climate change and environment. He is an international acclaimed trainer, assessor and speaker.